Funky: Informal adjective
1) Music having or using a strong dance rhythm, in particular that of funk : some excellent funky beats.
2) Modern and stylish in an unconventional or striking way : she likes wearing funky clothes.
3) Strongly musty : cooked greens make the kitchen smell really funky.
Divine: Adjective
1) Of, from, or like God or a god : heroes with divine powers. Catastrophes being prevented by divine intervention.
2) Devoted to God; sacred: divine liturgy.
3) Informal - Deemed excellent; delightful : that succulent clementine tasted divine. He had the most divine smile.
1) Music having or using a strong dance rhythm, in particular that of funk : some excellent funky beats.
2) Modern and stylish in an unconventional or striking way : she likes wearing funky clothes.
3) Strongly musty : cooked greens make the kitchen smell really funky.
Divine: Adjective
1) Of, from, or like God or a god : heroes with divine powers. Catastrophes being prevented by divine intervention.
2) Devoted to God; sacred: divine liturgy.
3) Informal - Deemed excellent; delightful : that succulent clementine tasted divine. He had the most divine smile.
Funky Divine, the unconventional, modern and stylish way, sometimes musty but always sacred and devoted;
is an action intending to inform and spread the frequencies of a new paradigm on earth.
It is supporting the rise of a 5th dimensional Beingness holding a Unified field Consciousness of Unconditional Love in its awareness.
For such a state of consciousness to anchor into the physical plane of our existence, we must open ourselves to the power of our DIVINE dimension and the immensity of its love, already demanding an incredible courage;
But more importantly, embrace the entire FUNKYness of our humanity. The doubts, the murkiness, our inabilities, our denials, everything that resists, and feels so well in the small narrowness of its familiar routine.
You are invited to join and grow into this expanding Consciousness within yourself. . .
is an action intending to inform and spread the frequencies of a new paradigm on earth.
It is supporting the rise of a 5th dimensional Beingness holding a Unified field Consciousness of Unconditional Love in its awareness.
For such a state of consciousness to anchor into the physical plane of our existence, we must open ourselves to the power of our DIVINE dimension and the immensity of its love, already demanding an incredible courage;
But more importantly, embrace the entire FUNKYness of our humanity. The doubts, the murkiness, our inabilities, our denials, everything that resists, and feels so well in the small narrowness of its familiar routine.
You are invited to join and grow into this expanding Consciousness within yourself. . .
Note: The photo at the top of this page was taken from our aircraft on January 19th 2013, a few minutes before our descent on New York's JFK airport. This huge rainbow orb appeared to the naked eye and seemed to remain stationary while we slowly flew over its position . . .