If you would like to support Funky Divine's activities . . .
. . . Thank you wholeheartedly.
I welcome monetary donations for their simplicity and their practical aspect. They allow me to continue to surf the financial dimension of my earthly existence in a graceful way.
My desires are also manifesting way beyond this fiduciary possibility of expressing your gratitude:
- One single word showing me that you exist, that you appreciate something specific, a feedback on what touches you, inspires or poses question for you, is as much nourishing for me, and with sometimes an even more measurable energy.
- An invitation to share, to explore together, to visit you, to organize a meeting in your place, to participate to an event that you organize on a specific thematic, to facilitate a seminar, a workshop or to plan a performance. All propositions always fill me with joy and happiness, even if for some reason I'm unable to answer favorably to your offer at that moment.
I do feel recognized, appreciated and invited and that means a lot for me.
- An offer of materials, places, or services to support my joy to serve this planetary transition and go further into its dis-covering together.
Below is a non-exhaustive list of things that I wish to receive in whichever manner that will turn out the most appropriate. As such, I which to remain true to my request to be able to receive your present unconditionally, coming from your joy to offer and from your heart-based generosity, without any hidden expectation. (See also the page "Life's choices").
_ Accomodations for short or longer times.
For short and intermediate stays during my journeys and travels, or for a place of residence where I could settle down and create the environment which suits the building of a community dedicated to anchoring a unified consciousness in themselves. (See the first part of my book here).
I welcome gracefully all proposals and my preference remains the countryside, comfortable and bright houses with sunny outer spaces opened to nature.
If the accommodation is more than one night, I prefer a personal space such as a bedroom where I can stay alone and quietly recharge.
An internet connection is also part of my regular needs.
_ Lecture halls, dance studios, performance or theater stages, meeting rooms and all kind of facilities to organize and host activities which you will find under the tab "Invitations".
_ Mailing lists and your social networks to inform and invite people who vibrate with my propositions.
_ Proposals to organize and to manage activities, workshops, seminars, lectures, performances, teleconferences, interviews, videos, etc...
_ A technical and logistical support .
- Suggestions and expertise for the graphic and artistic improvement of this site, the blog, posters, the book, etc.
· Support and coaching in computing on software which I learn to use, for the use of the social networks, to use Linux and install Ubuntu, etc....
. Review and corrections for misspellings.
. Help to publish and distribute my book.
_ Artistic explorations & partnerships
- Musicians and/or singers used to improvised, inspired in their music by the danced movement.
- Video or photographic co-creations.
- Production and organisation of performances.
_ Materials, logistical and practical tools:
- Mobile sound system: 1 or 2 - 50W speaker (4 to 8 ohms), a flat and compact subwoofer or a new mobile sound system.
- Un coffre de toit.
- An electro-acoustic guitar with great audio quality.
- Musical instruments.
- A land, a house, a complex to anchor the exploration of a unified consciousness with an existencial group of artists.
_ Contributions to my personal delights
- I love massages.
- Organic fruits and vegetables.
- Sailing trips out to the sea, windsurfing, catamaran.
- Sharing of your favourite diving places.
- Mentoring on sky diving and paragliding.
- Mountain biking, riding on horses, camels or elephants.
- Voice/singing coaching, guitar, drum teaching, jams.
Thank you for contacting us here for all proposals, suggestions and questions.