Soul dancer, Hearth Shaman, eLOVutionary artist...
Olivier is an eLOVutionary artist, he recognized early on in his Life that he was here for a different purpose than perpetuate the model he was born in and confronted with by the prevalent culture, by his parents and teachers, society, and of course, within himself.
At the age of 20, he left his home and family, his friends, sweetheart, and went on a journey in the unknown by himself. This eventually landed him in India, where he spend the next 20 years of his Life in the international community of Auroville.
He studied philosophy and spirituality from different schools and traditions, dived deep into meditative practices and spiritual disciplines, grew into the energy healing heArts with different teachers and mentors, developed a successful business as a creative entrepreneur, and flourished as an improvisational Soul dancer, shaman of our galactic Hearth.
At the age of 20, he left his home and family, his friends, sweetheart, and went on a journey in the unknown by himself. This eventually landed him in India, where he spend the next 20 years of his Life in the international community of Auroville.
He studied philosophy and spirituality from different schools and traditions, dived deep into meditative practices and spiritual disciplines, grew into the energy healing heArts with different teachers and mentors, developed a successful business as a creative entrepreneur, and flourished as an improvisational Soul dancer, shaman of our galactic Hearth.
At the Heart of my Soul
2007, Spirit called him to travel again. He met his Twin Flame Soul partner in Oregon and traveled through Europe, India, USA, Canada and Mexico with her on a amazingly baffling journey of Unconditional Love and the nature of our 3rd dimensional polarized programming. That very human programming with which we apprehend our reality, relate to anything in and around us as humans, and act, think and feel every single thing in our lives.
This Life journey allows Olivier to offer a unique frequency of expanded, unifying consciousness that is grounded in ascending Beingness. He now shares this resonance with others as a sacred service.
Olivier holds no diplomas or degrees, he is certified in "Nothing in particular" and draws on a wide array of modalities as feeling guided. He holds an Unconditional container of Love where Truth can reveal itself safely and where polarities can be deeply embraced, then Let go of. . .
Olivier feels honored to work with people who have the urge to raise their vibrational frequency by re-integrating more of their Soul-selves into a whole, authentic, radiant expression of "who we truly are".
He especially invites Men and Teenagers, as well as Lovers who desire to understand more of what is going in themselves and here on earth during these incredible times.
This Life journey allows Olivier to offer a unique frequency of expanded, unifying consciousness that is grounded in ascending Beingness. He now shares this resonance with others as a sacred service.
Olivier holds no diplomas or degrees, he is certified in "Nothing in particular" and draws on a wide array of modalities as feeling guided. He holds an Unconditional container of Love where Truth can reveal itself safely and where polarities can be deeply embraced, then Let go of. . .
Olivier feels honored to work with people who have the urge to raise their vibrational frequency by re-integrating more of their Soul-selves into a whole, authentic, radiant expression of "who we truly are".
He especially invites Men and Teenagers, as well as Lovers who desire to understand more of what is going in themselves and here on earth during these incredible times.
Dark Chocolate and Teleportation
Olivier is Home-free and Heart-based. He doesn't live in any particular place and moves around as called. He loves free diving, free form dancing, Improve singing and jamming, playing with children of all ages, hiking and riding in nature between times of contemplation.
He delights on dark, organic and raw chocolate 100% and avocado smoothies.
Olivier doesn't have children yet and lives in a growing world-family of celebrating hearts. He appreciates his parents in loving acceptance of the life paths they chose for themselves, and dreams of an unlimited experience in the arts of levitation, teleportation and dematerialization. But above all, he delights in the magic of a supremely creative heart for manifesting simple, playful joy . . .
Ex DIY-techno-inventor of all kinds, he even repairs disposable lighters, collects scrap and pieces of junk on beaches, and puts his things in small boxes that are organized in bigger and bigger boxes, into which he does not always remember what is stored.
He delights on dark, organic and raw chocolate 100% and avocado smoothies.
Olivier doesn't have children yet and lives in a growing world-family of celebrating hearts. He appreciates his parents in loving acceptance of the life paths they chose for themselves, and dreams of an unlimited experience in the arts of levitation, teleportation and dematerialization. But above all, he delights in the magic of a supremely creative heart for manifesting simple, playful joy . . .
Ex DIY-techno-inventor of all kinds, he even repairs disposable lighters, collects scrap and pieces of junk on beaches, and puts his things in small boxes that are organized in bigger and bigger boxes, into which he does not always remember what is stored.